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On track to Party!



Do you like trains? You can find them right here in this game!

Join Jeffrey the Giraffe in his high speed adventure to create the perfect party train! Travel accross 9 biomes and countless stations to get all the resources you need, whilst meeting new Giraffe passengers on the way!

Be warned! Every journey between stations only takes 10 seconds, not a lot of time to plan!

Web Link


Platform: Browser




Manage your resources and passengers whilst going from station to station in 10 seconds!

Art Style



by Sarah Alexa (@sarah-alexa) - Ludum Dare User

"A really interesting concept here. I will admit I found it a little tough to figure out what was going on once I was into the game but I managed to win a couple of times! I love the idea of just travelling around by rail conducting all of your business that way so this was great to see. The visual style is great btw, very pleasing on the eye. You’ve managed to implement quite a lot in here which is really impressive for a jam! "

by Wizcas (@wizcas) - Ludum Dare User

"The voxel art and motion blur looks nice. Congrats on making so many contents! That’s unbelieveable. I hope there’s more info on the UI, such as profits and losses, so that I don’t have to take a pen to remember all the stocks."

